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Prabhupada Meditations

Care devote, cari devoti, omaggi. Glorie e lodi a Shrila Prabhupada e a Shri Shri Radha-Govinda Deva! 

Putrada Ekadashi ki, Jaya!
Spero che questa mia vi trovi in buona salute e spiritualmente ispirati, e che ancor più lo diventiate meditando su quanto segue. 
Con spirituale affetto, 
Matsyavatara dasa 
Prabhupada Meditations Jan. 8 to Jan. 14
January 8
Retirement means to become cured from the diseased
activities but to place yourself in healthy activities. That is Krishna
consciousness. Los Angeles, January 8, 1969.
January 9
We must be fixed up in our own rupa, svarupa,
swarupa-siddhi. Svarupa-siddhi means to be engaged in the service of Lord. That
is real mukti. Bombay, January 9, 1973.
January 10
The powerful hari-nama is so strong that even if one
unconsciously or consciously they imitate; “Hare Krishna.” They have no
intention to chant the holy name of Krishna, but they imitate or criticize,
“Hare Krishna.” That also has effect. Calcutta, January 10, 1971.
January 11
We should learn to forget and forgive minor incidents
because whenever there are two men in a place, there is always some
misunderstanding. Letter to Gargamuni, January 11, 1968.
January 12
A brahmacari is good for living a life of celibacy, but a
person who can live a life of celibacy in the presence of a beautiful and
obliging wife is more than a brahmacari. Letter to Hansaduta, January 11, 1968.
January 13
The ecstasy of separation from the spiritual master is even
greater ecstasy than meeting with him. Letter to Jadurani, January 13, 1968
January 14
Love affairs in the material world are only shadows or
reflections of the real love with Krishna. If you love Krishna in any capacity,
you shall never be frustrated because everything in Krishna is perfect,
eternal, blissful, and full of knowledge. Letter to Kanchanbala, January 14,


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